Osteoporosis Treatment & Screening

Using MBST® and innovative Osteo Spin machine technology, treat Osteoporosis effectively with a full-body, non-invasive solution. Relieve Osteoporosis associated pain and regain your quality of life.

Understanding Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a skeletal condition wherein bone density and mass are drastically reduced. This makes bones fragile and more likely to break. Osteoporosis itself is not usually painful, often leading to it going unnoticed for long periods while it develops. Osteoporosis is typically diagnosed once a fall or impact causes a bone to break or if scans detect lower-than-average bone density.

While losing bone density is a regular part of ageing, osteoporosis can drastically increase the risk of broken bones, creating long-term pain. Similarly, it can cause something as simple as a sneeze to damage or break a bone, often affecting mobility and quality of life.

Early detection of osteoporosis, or osteopenia—wherein one's bone density is lower than average but not low enough to be classed as osteoporosis—can help doctors better suggest the right avenue of treatment.

How MBST® treats Osteoporosis

Magnetic Resonance Therapy (MBST®) uses magnetic fields to stimulate the cells responsible for bone growth and repair. These fields encourage your bones to kickstart their natural regeneration process, increasing bone density, replacing cells and significantly reducing fracture risk.

MBST® Therapy also offers anti-inflammatory effects and helps to relieve pain associated with osteoporosis, allowing for a more active, enjoyable life. The therapy's non-invasive nature makes it a comfortable option for all.

Treating Osteoporosis with the Osteo Spin

The Osteo Spin is the newest innovation in the treatment of osteopenia, osteoporosis and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. The Osteo Spin at our clinic in London is the first of its kind in the UK and offers a full-body, non-invasive solution to osteoporosis treatment.

The open construction and treatment area enhance comfort for patients of any age. The machine's large magnetic field ensures complete coverage, as sessions target the full body.

Treating Osteoporosis with the Osteo Spin

Initial Scans: Patients must have completed a bone scan externally before an assessment. These scans are used better to understand the particular patient's current status and needs. This can be a DEXA Bone Density Scan or an EchoS REMS Bone Density Scans. We recommend the EchoS REMS scan due to its fragility score, general greater accuracy and the omission of radiation usage - as found in DEXA scans.

Assessment: Bone scan results are then passed to our internal triage for evaluation. The scan results and information on the patient are reviewed to ensure there are no outlying issues or cause for concern before starting treatment. 

Osteo Spin Session Schedule: A schedule is created around the patient's availability. This includes all sessions using the Osteo Spin machine. Sessions must be completed within 16 days.

Physio follow-up: Once all sessions have been completed, patients receive a free physiotherapy follow-up. The purpose of this follow-up is to examine posture and provide a 360-degree strength check to assess the surface efficacy of treatment. From here, we recommend that patients undergo another bone density test after six months to recheck their new bone density levels. 


Pain reduction & quality of life
Musculoskeletal diseases are often accompanied by pain related to the associated area. Through a series of MBST® sessions, pain and inflammation can be drastically reduced as cells begin to regenerate and bones strengthen. While more sessions may be necessary for treatment, this reduction in pain can radically improve quality of life and increase independence with daily activities.

Once sessions are complete, the pain associated with the condition may be removed entirely, often presenting a new outlook on life and quality.

Better posture, balance and strength
The increase in bone strength and cell regeneration makes it not uncommon for individuals to have improved balance, strength, and posture. These benefits can similarly improve your quality of life, but they also work as a preventative measure for damaging oneself or fracturing bones, as you're typically less likely to lose balance and fall.

Drug/surgery free
A significant benefit of MBST® therapy, especially for osteoporosis, is the ability to - in many cases - benefit from treatment without the use of drugs, injections or surgery. Each of these often comes with its side effects, such as gastrointestinal tract issues and severe side effects like jaw necrosis.

This enables patients to receive treatment without fear of trading one issue for another while doing so in comfort.

20 years in operation, one million hours of MBST® therapy, absolutely zero side effects.

What our patients say

Some of our recent patient testimonials:

Steve Dickinson - 55 years
"MBST has been well worth the journey"

I’ve had knee pain for 30 years, had 5 arthroscopies and minor knee surgery. Diagnosed with juvenile arthritis at 25, I now have moderate arthritis and had been told I need a total knee replacement, which I don’t want at 55yrs old. MBST has been well worth the journey - I have now had about 20 rounds of golf with hardly any pain and I am looking forward to hitting the slopes again in the winter! Well worth the money and service! Thank you

Ed, hamstring tear
"I will 100% be using MBST® for any future injuries!"

I had a fantastic experience at the At The Core clinic. I had been diagnosed with a grade 2b hamstring tear which after having a scan I was advised was a 5-6 week injury. After using the ‘MBST®’ therapy machine I was back out running on the pitch after 1 week and back fully training and match ready after 3 weeks! The treatment was non invasive and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to speed up their recovery process and get back to fitness as soon as possible.

Shaun Bentey - 47 years
"Before MBST life was very restrictive"

Before MBST life was very restrictive and I was relying on pain killers and unable to take part in activities.
Although the pain levels appear not to have reduced too much, this is now without pain killers. It has also allowed me to start getting out more and enjoying time with family.
I’m only 3 months post treatment, but I'm already getting more of my life back than any operations in the past 5 years.

View All Testimonials

Meet the team

Clare Kelvin

Clinic Owner

After personally experiencing the relief that MBST® therapy brought to her husband's hands, Clare was inspired to be part of At The Core and help those suffering from the debilitating effects of arthritis in North London. Driven by the visible improvements in patients' physical and emotional wellbeing Clare and her team are delighted to bring MBST® therapy to Primrose Hill.

Costa Loizos


Costa is a qualified Osteopath from the College of Osteopathic Medicine in 2006, with a double qualification as an osteopath and a naturopath. He has sought to equip himself with as many 'obstacle clearing' skills as possible.Alongside Osteopathic techniques, he has trained in western acupuncture (dry needling), deep tissue/myofascial release, trigger point acupuncture, Scar-work therapy, cupping and kinesiology taping. His values sit alongside ours in finding ways to free people from pain, improve mobility, and optimise physical and mental well-being, no matter the age or condition.

asked questions

Can MBST® Therapy Be Used in Conjunction With Other Osteoporosis Treatments or Medications?

Yes, you can use MBST® therapy alongside other osteoporosis treatments or medications. It's designed to be a non-invasive complement to your existing treatment plan. However, you should consult your healthcare provider before combining it with other treatments.

How long do the benefits of MBST® therapy last?

MBST® therapy has been shown to substantially increase bone density one year after stopping treatment. The degree of these benefits and their retention is patient-specific. However, repeat sessions can be applied if necessary in the future.

After starting MBST® therapy, how soon will you see results?

How early you can expect to see improvements typically depends on the person. Most people start seeing noticeable results in pain mitigation and strength within 3-5 sessions. However, it's best to consider it a gradual process as your body works to repair cells and strengthen the bone.

Are there any side effects of MBST® Therapy?

Since its use therapeutically in 1998, no reports of side effects have been reported.

Do you need a referral for MBST® Treatment?

While you do not need a direct specialist referral, you will need to undergo an assessment to ensure MBST® is the right treatment for you. The efficacy of MBST® depends on various factors and may not be the best option for everyone.

Is MBST® available via the NHS?

Unfortunately, MBST® Therapy is a private treatment and not available via the NHS.

Get in touch

The Courtyard
44 Gloucester Avenue

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Unit 3, The Foundry
Beehive Yard, Walcot Street
Bath, BA1 5BT

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